Exotic Propulsion Intiative at the Space Studies Institute

15 mn presentation from “A Matter Of Some Gravity” by Gary Hudson during the 2014 NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts Symposium (NIAC 2014).

This is the third part of Gary Hudson’s presentation, detailing current research about Mach Effect conducted by physicist James Woodward at Cal State Fullerton, and funded by the Exotic Propulsion Initiative of the Space Studies Institute, aimed to show that a revolutionary type of field propulsion for interstellar travel is possible.

Donations to the Exotic Propulsion Initiative of the Space Studies Institute project will be first used to extend and replicate Professor Woodward’s provocative research findin

Gary Hudson is president of the Space Studies Institute, aerospace consultant specialized in reusable rockets (Phoenix SSTO, Percheron, Roton, DC-X…), founder of T/Space, Rotary Rocket Company, Airlaunch LLC, Pacific American Launch Systems and HMX Ltd. Founder’s award-wining of the Space Frontier Foundation, inductee of the International Space Hall of Fame, Fellow ok the British Interplanetary Society, Associate fellow of the AIAA.

Space Studies has a lot of space related research. [asteroid mining, using solar system resources, space based solar power and more

Professor Gerard K. O’Neill founded the Space Studies Institute (SSI) in 1977 with the hope of opening the vast wealth of space to humanity.

Solar Blade Spacecraft

The Space Studies Institute Solar Blade spacecraft is now undergoing vacuum chamber testing to obtain data to validate our mathematical model of its dynamic behavior. The sails being tested are constructed of 2 micron aluminized Mylar fabric. Simulation of vehicle control is proceeding and shows that the vehicle can satisfy NASA’s mission requirements as well as our intended use as a multiple asteroid rendezvous spacecraft. The limit of scale up of the Solar Blade vehicle is not yet known, but the project engineer, Richard Blomquist expects that a 1000 meter blade will be controllable. A larger spacecraft would use more than the four blades on the flight prototype Solar Blade. The flight prototype is expected to cost at least five hundred thousand dollars

Closed Environment life support sysem

SSI will concentrate on funding Phase Two of a fully closed environment life-support system. SSI has made significant progress in developing a completely closed system. The results of SSICornell Phase One has confirmed our belief that a relatively simple biologically based closed environment life-support system is feasible and robust and will provide the technical foundation to support large-scale space settlement.

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