Quantum Computers, Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity

Geordie Rose, CTO of Dwave Systems is interviewed at Singularity 1 on 1.

Geordie discusses

* the founding of D-Wave
* what D-Wave is all about
* superconducting processors
* quantum computers
* Rose’s Law (doubling qubits every year)
* the multiverse
* the Singularity
* artificial intelligence

1:08-1:12 The unknown performance of the Dwave System quantum computer.
Adiabiatic quantum computers are more like the large hadron collider than a classical computer.
1:13-1:17 Why would someone spend $20 million on it vs a supercomputer.
Google and Lockheed engage with Dwave for many and get trust in the organization.
They see that there is rapid improvement with the performance.
The decision is that if Dwave can help them solve business and industry critical problems and
get an advantage over it and prevent falling behind in a critical area then the risk / reward
can fall in favor of working with Dwave.
The work with Google on machine learning and big data and Lockheed with complex system validation are areas where if they fell behind they could lose their core business.

1:18-1:22 Describing qubits
1:24-1:27 Discussing the skeptics
1:28-1:29 To have a thriving academic field, you need to have a thriving commercial application
1:30-1:31 70 peer reviewed articles in Nature, Physical Review letters, Science
1:32-1:35 The Internet doubters – will go away eventually. They have not read the details. When Dwave is selling $500 million per year of their machines and has gone through several more generations of improvements, the claims of it not being quantum or not being better than classical will be far more clearly wrong.
1:36-1:37 The Manufacturing challenge is the main hurdle.
1:38-1:41 Geordie’s view of Technological Singularity. Inevitability of advancement when you tools and language.
1:45-1:47 Artificial Intelligence. The new approaches to AI seem to sensible and testable in a short time
1:49-1:51 AI. Not likely the android systems, but initially systems that do remarkable things beyond human capability. Identify 20,000 things in a picture – still just an algorithm. Speech recognition. still just an algorithm. Combine those and many other things then many people get surprised and ask what just happened.
1:52-1:55 AI enhanced with quantum computers that were very good at optimization.
1:56-1:59 Consciousness and quantum ? Geordie strongly believes the brain is classical. Consciousness is based on the models in the brain. Create a model with yourself then you are conscious. This is not special. But you could make it a lot better with quantum hardware.
2:00-2:03 People can apply to run problems on the USC (physics type problems) and the google machine (applications).
2:03-2:06 Be patient the systems need to mature and get better and is progressing very fast

Dr. Geordie Rose is a founder and Chief Technology Officer at D-Wave Computers. Geordie was at the IdeaCity conference in Toronto where he made an impassioned presentation about D-Wave and quantum computing.

DR Rose is a father of three kids and the CTO of a trail-blazing quantum computing company.

Geordie discusses how he decided to become an entrepreneur building computers at the edge of science and technology; what the name D-wave stands for; what is a quantum computer; why fabrication technology is the greatest limiting factor towards commoditizing quantum computing; hardware specs and interesting details around Vesuvius – D-Wave’s latest model, and the kinds of problems it can compute; Rose’s Law as the quantum computer version of Moore’s Law; how D-wave resolves the de-coherence/interference problem; the traditional von Neumann architecture behind classical computer design and why D-Wave had to move beyond it; Vesuvius’ computational power as compared to similarly priced classical super-computers and the inherent difficulties in accurate bench-marking; Eric Ladizinski’s qubit and the velodrome metaphor used to describe it; the skepticism among numerous scientists as to whether D-Wave really makes quantum computers or not; whether Geordie feels occasionally like Charles Babbage trying to build his difference engine; his prediction that quantum computers will help us create AI by 2029; whether the brain is more like a classical or quantum computer; how you can apply for programming time on the two D-wave quantum computers; his take on the technological singularity…

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